Program in Medieval Studies

Medieval Studies at Brown

Medieval Studies connects students and faculty from a wide range of disciplines and offers a unique opportunity to explore the literature, languages, history, religions, art, architecture, and music of late antique and medieval cultures.


The Program in Medieval Studies currently offers concentration tracks in Medieval Cultures and in Late Antique Cultures.

Medieval Cultures focuses on the sixth through the fifteenth centuries and combines interdisciplinary perspectives on this period with an in-depth study of one or two related disciplines.
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Late Antique Cultures centers on the third through the ninth centuries inclusive and studies human activity in all its variety unrestricted by the conventional demarcations of “classical” and “medieval.”
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Contact Information




Academic Center Manager

Mailing Address

Program in Medieval Studies
Brown University
Box 1905
Providence, RI 02912


Andrews House 208
13 Brown Street
Providence, RI 02912